GESMES/TS uses the EDIFACT syntax (ISO 9735) and United Nations (UN/ECE) segment directories, both of which are international standards. EDIFACT messages can sometimes look syntactically complex. However, GESMES/TS has been designed so that its syntactic structure is simple, being predefined and frozen; its flexibility derives exclusively from the power of its underlying data model.

GESMES/TS is maintained by the SDMX initiative led by seven international and European organisations (BIS, ECB, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank).

Extrait de Banque Centrale Européenne

Recommandations (attention, cette partie est maintenue de façon occasionnelle)
Generic statistical message/time series (GESMES/TS)
- Recommandation, 28-02-2003, version 28-02-2003
- accès à l'historique des versions

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